Request a Fair Courts Presentation
Have you ever felt that justice might be better served in your community? Do you feel confident in your understanding of how the justice system works in Ohio and how citizens can impact outcomes? Do you wish you knew more?
You’re not alone. Even though the courts impact nearly every aspect of our daily lives, most of us have little understanding of how courts work, how judges are selected, or how we can take action to make our courts more fair and impartial.
The Ohio Fair Courts Alliance launched its Speakers Bureau to increase public education about our judiciary. Ultimately, we are striving to spark more awareness of the importance of judicial elections and to inspire action to make our justice system more fair for all Ohioans.
We have a trained group of speakers excited to come speak to you and others in your organization about Ohio’s courts. We can help you understand, for example:
The overall structure of the court systems in Ohio
The difference between state and federal courts
How the courts impact us
Pros & cons of how we select judges
Why we need fair and impartial courts
Challenges and opportunities facing Ohio’s justice system
What the public can do to improve our courts
This a non-partisan civic engagement project. Presentations requests should be made at least two weeks in advance to allow sufficient time to try to accommodate your request.